Mix all dry ingredients & set aside

Chef Competition Winning Recipe by Chef Christa Sauers

Basil Sweet Potato & Duck Breakfast Strata with Basil & Blackberry Gastrique

For the Strata:

12 large eggs

3 cups basil infused cream

2 1/2 cups dried bread, cubed

2 small sweet potatoes, baked or boiled & cubed

1 cup duck sausage or bacon, crumbled or cubed

1 1/2 cups shredded parmesan cheese

1 1/2 shredded smoked gouda cheese

1 cup onions or shallots, finely diced

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp salt

Fresh black pepper to taste

Basil Infused Creme

1 cup fresh basil

1/2 half onion

1 orange or lemon zested

1 bay leaf

2 dried clove studs

1 1/2 cups heavy cream

1 1/2 cups whole milk

1 tsp salt

Basil Pesto

2 cups of basil

1 cup EVOO ( extra virgin OO)

1/2 cup sherry vinegar

2 cloves Garlic

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

1 lemon juice & zest

Salt & pepper

Basil/Blackberry Gastrique

2 cups blackberries

1/2 cup sugar

2 TBLS water

1/2 cup balsamic vinegar

1 cup basil freshly chopped

1 lemon, juice & zest

1/2 tsp salt

Attach bay leaf to onion using cloves as tacks.  Place in pot cover with milk, cream, basil, lemon/orange zest & salt.  Let cream simmer on very low heat for about 30-40 minutes.  Strain, cool & set aside.

Combine all ingredients in blender and set aside.

Whisk all ingredients in a bowl, until smooth.  If too thick, add small amounts of milk a little at a time and if too think, add more powdered sugar.

In heavy saucepan combine sugar & water.  Simmer but do not stir, over medium heat until sugar dissolves.  Simmer additional few minutes gently swirling pot over heat until it reaches a light caramel color.  Carefully pour in vinegar all at once swirl and continue to cook until all is combined  Add blackberries, basil, lemon juice and zest, black pepper and cook till berries break down and sauce has consistency of maple syrup.  Remove from heat and cool.  Sauce can be served as is, or pureed & strained..

In a small bowl whisk all ingredients until combined.

Final Preparation: This recipe requires overnight rest in fridge to set before baking. 

  • Lightly oil 9x13 inch baking dish
  • Saute duck sausage or bacon until cooked & crisp, add onion & sweet potatoes, allow for them to carmelize in duck fat from sausage, then set aside.
  • In large bowl whisk basil creme, eggs, cheeses, mustard & spices. 
  • Place all cubed dried bread in baking dish & coat with pesto mixture on all sides then arrange flat in baking dish.
  • Sprinkle duck & potato mixture over top. 
  • Pour egg mixture on top making sure all is covered.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and store in fridge overnight.
  • When ready to bake, remove cover and bake in 375F preheated oven for 50-60 minutes.
  • Serve with drizzle of Basil/Blackberry Gastrique.


For Pesto, combine all ingredients in a blender and set aside.

Herb Of The Year:
1995 Fennel
1996 Monarda
1997 Thyme
1998 Mint
1999 Lavender
2000 Rosemary
2001 Sage
2002 Echinacea
2003 Basil
2004 Garlic
2005 Oregano and Marjoram
2006 Scented Geraniums
2007 Lemon Balm
2008 Calendula
2009 Bay Laurel
2010 Dill
2011 Horseradish
2012 Rose
2013 Elderberry
2014 Artemisias
2015 Savory
2016 Peppers Caspicum ssp.
2017 Coriander/Cilantro 
Coriandrum sativum
2018 Hops
Humulus ssp.
​2019 Agastache
2020 Rubus ssp. (Blackberries,
Raspberries et al.)
2021  Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

2022 Viola (Violet, Johnny Jump Ups)

Family violaceae

2023 Herb of the year - Ginger

2024 - Yarrow

Heat butter & milk to 110 degrees F. (warm).  Put into stand mixer and sprinkle yeast on top, stirring to mix

Award Winning Chef Tony Magaro's Recipe for

Basil Cinnamon Rolls

3 1/2 cups all purpose flour

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp salt

1 cup of milk

1/4 cup butter, softened

1 envelope rapid rise yeast (2 1/4 tsps)

Add egg and almost all of flour to ingredients in mixer and beat on low speed until all combined.  While continuing to mix on low, add remaining flour in small amounts as needed to keep mixture from sticking to sides of bowl.  Once all flour has been added mix on medium speed 5 minutes.  Remove dough and form into a ball.  Place in greased bowl covered with damp towel.  Let dough rest 10 minutes.


1/4 cup tightly packed, brown sugar

2 TBLS ground cinnamon

1/3 cup finely chopped fresh basil

1/4 cup softened butter


4 oz (1/2 cup) softened cream cheese

3 TBLS softened butter

1 tsp vanilla

1 1/2 cups powdered icing sugar

3 TBLS chopped fresh basil

1-2 TBLS milk (more or less as needed)


When dough is ready, turn out onto floured surface.  With rolling pin shape into a rectangle 9 x 14 inches.  Spread softened butter over dough, then sprinkle on the sugar, cinnamon and basil mixture over top.  On the long side tightly roll up dough and pinch seam closed.  Slice the roll into equal pieces and place cut side down into greased baking pan, sides touching.  Cover with damp towel and let dough rise in warm place for 25 minutes or so.  Once rolls have risen uncover pan and place on center rack of pre-heated 350 degree F. oven.  Bake for approximately 15-20 minutes.  Once rolls have baked, remove from oven and cool to warm before icing.  While still warm frost with prepared icing.  Serve warm or at room temperature and enjoy!